Home Forums Me, Myself and I Putting my well-being in the spotlight

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      Post count: 485

      Something I came to realize is that I can’t really ‘be there’ for the other’s in my life, until I’ve ‘been there’ for Me in my life.  There ae so many aspects to our own self care, some we never even consider.

      Physical Wellness:  When was the last time I had a yearly physical, mammogram, updated immunizations?   What is my sleep like?  My eating plan?  My level of movement/exercise?  How much relaxation am I getting?

      Emotional Wellness:  How are my moods? How are my connections to others?  Do I engage in my spiritual wellness?  Do I give myself space to express joy and sadness?

      Financial Wellness:  Yup, its a thing.  How are things in this area?  Am I managing my expenses?  Savings plan?  Do I need to take a good look and see if adjustments should be made?

      Work/Life Balance:  Am I fulfilled in my job?  Do I meet with my supervisor to discuss successes and challenges?  Do I want to expand my career or choose a new path?  Does my job interfere with my personal life?  Too much overtime, not taking my breaks during my work time.  Not using my earned vacation time.  Calling in sick frequently.

      Goals and Dreams:  Do I have a Bucket List?  How do I strive to meet those things on the list?  Do I have something blocking me from achieving those things?


        Post count: 446

        Thank you for this post Jeannie!
        Yes, I had to learn that too in the past. And I also had to learn that I can be there for someone but that I have to give other people the freedom to make their own choices even when they are not good for them. This was a learning in my family when we all had to deal with the sudden and completely unexpected loss of a relative.

        These learnings (and the therapies I was undergoing) now help me in my LL situation too. It’s still hard to accept that you can’t really help other people if they don’t want help. And being able to answer most of the questions in a positive way (which was not the same in all aspects when my LL journey started 6 years ago) I feel able to take the steps to really move on.

        In a way my LL journey over the past years reminds me of the wish to change my job and making plans when the above mentioned trauma occurred. I was not able to make this decision, I did not have the will and the strength to do would have been necessary to improve my job situation. Even though I was not happy, it felt like the better option to not change anything. While I was in emotional turmoil because of some personal issues that had nothing to do with LL (and started before he even contacted me) I was not able to find the strength to take the right steps.

        I wish everyone a wonderful new year with lots of self care and some checkmarks on your bucket lists!

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